
 A Brand For Creatives

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// a creative with a heart for creatives//

Alysa Clay lives and breathes big ideas

 Whether it’s behind the camera, on the dance floor or through her growing painting hobby, expressing herself artistically is a big part of what makes Alysa thrive. She has not only been able to turn her passions into profit, Alysa has also made self-care a priority while doing so. 


Her mission is to use all she’s learned to help big idea people win, AND maintain their sanity! From a multidisciplinary degree from American University, to performing at the Kennedy Center, choreographing at DC’S prestigious Sidwell Friends School, among a host of of other opportunities, Alysa’s talents have exposed her to a wide array of creatives.  


After seeing the benefits of prioritizing self care, Alysa became passionate about creating resources that help creatives stay balanced while aiming high. Her brand H’ART.SPEAX has expanded through the years, originally offering photo and design services in 2010, to now encompassing an array of personal & professional resources for creatives in all genres.



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